Are you ready to take your yoga practice or teaching to the next level? If so, I have a secret to share with you - self-care is the key to becoming the best version of yourself you can be. Let’s explore the powerful concept of self-care and how it can benefit not only you but also the people in your life. So, if you're ready to learn how to fill your cup and pour into others, read on.
Have you ever heard the saying "you can't pour from an empty cup?" As a yoga teacher, it's essential to take care of ourselves so that we can give our best to our students. One thing that we teach in our 200- and 300-hour yoga teacher training is the importance of self-care and how it can benefit not only you but also the people in your life.
First, let's talk about what self-care really means. It's not just about bubble baths and face masks (although those can be great!). Self-care is any activity that nurtures your mind, body, or soul. It's about taking intentional time to care for yourself and your needs. And as a yoga teacher, it's essential to make self-care a priority.
One way to practice self-care is through yoga itself. When we step onto our mat, we're giving ourselves the gift of movement, breath, and mindfulness. We're creating space for ourselves to tune in, listen to our bodies, and connect with our inner selves. This, in turn, helps us to show up as our best selves for our students. An easy way to have a measurable goal: take as many yoga classes as you teach. If you’re not yet a yoga teacher, you can take classes equivalent to 10% of the hours you work - so, if you work a 40-hour work week, you can take 4 yoga classes a week.
But self-care doesn't just happen on the mat. It's essential to cultivate practices that nurture our bodies and minds off the mat as well. This could mean taking a rest day when needed, nourishing our bodies with healthy foods, or journaling or meditating.
So, why is self-care so important for yoga teachers? Because when we take care of ourselves, we're better able to serve our students. When we're well-rested, energized, and grounded, we're more present and focused in our teaching. Our students can feel our energy and passion, and that can inspire them to deepen their own practice.
But self-care doesn't just benefit our students. When we practice self-care, we're also modeling healthy habits for the people in our lives - whether it's our family, friends, or students. We're showing them that it's okay to prioritize our own needs and that it's not selfish to take care of ourselves.
In short, self-care is not self-indulgent - it's self-serving. By taking care of ourselves, we can show up more fully in our lives and in our teaching. So, I encourage you to make self-care a priority in your life. Whether it's through yoga, meditation, or other self-care practices, take intentional time to pour into yourself. Trust me - your students and the people in your life will thank you for it.